Fun Facts You May Not Know About Your Auto Glass, Part 1

Welcome back to the Denver Mobile Auto Glass blog! As experts in all things auto glass in Denver, we have windshields, rear windshields, sunroofs, and side windows on our minds constantly. But most people don’t spend their days thinking about just how cool windshields and auto glass really are. This got us thinking — maybe … Read more

5 Ways to Protect Your Car from the Cold

Welcome back to the Denver Mobile Auto Glass blog! With the single-digit temperatures we’ve been seeing around Denver and along the Front Range lately, you’ve probably been concerned about the the wellbeing of your vehicle. And while we will likely continue experiencing frigid temperatures and even more snowfall for another three to four months, we … Read more

6 Amusing Make-Shift Ice Scrapers People Have Used

Welcome back to the Denver Mobile Auto Glass blog! In our recent post, we looked at some of the best ways to de-ice your windshields this winter. While it seems as though Denver and the surrounding areas may never get the usual December snowfall, many residents are still hoping to see some snow later this … Read more

Best Ways to Safely De-Ice Your Auto Glass

Welcome back to the Denver Mobile Auto Glass blog! In our recent post, we looked at some of the best tips for caring for your windshield during the winter. While November and early December have been some of the warmest winter months we’ve seen in Denver in recent years, the unusually warm temperatures have finally … Read more